Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Apparently, I'm Not a Real Mom According To This Hunger Games Star

I'm usually pretty laid back about being the mom of an only child - after all it is my choice - and usually I don't rise to people's comments about how I do want another child really or that I should give my son a sibling. But, when this post from The Stir blog popped up on my Google Reader today something touched a nerve.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Three Becomes Five

A couple of months ago, my Mum came to stay with us, expanding our little family unit to four for a few weeks.

This month it is the turn of my in-laws and on Tuesday three will become five. 

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Losing the Baby Weight and Other New Year's Resolutions

I'm pretty useless at keeping New Year's resolutions. So much so, that a couple of years ago I made it my resolution to stop making them. But, this year I've decided to give it another go and I've made three.